Saturday, June 7, 2008

Triathlon #1

Today was the exciting day for our first triathlon. We woke up to 40 degree weather and rain. I thought it would let up by the time the race started but it just rained harder and harder. We stood out in the freezing rain for hours to find out that they canceled the bike and shortened the swim from 800 meters to 500 meters. The water was 48 degrees. I couldn't even keep my head under water because it took my breath away, the water was so cold. I managed to do the swim in 12 min which is okay considering I thought I was going to drowned in the freezing water. Most of the timers didn't work and my run was not recorded.

I was so disappointed. I just kept telling myself we spend the money to encourage us to train. Which was well worth the money considering Eric lost 20 lbs and I got rid of my "mommy tummy."

We signed up for another triathlon for June 21st in Provo. We have to prove to ourselves that we can actually do it.


Angie said...

Sorry it didn't go as planned. I think that it's awesome that you even attempted to do something, especially in such cold, wet weather. I think I would have said no thank you when I saw the weather. Good job. I'm proud of you. Good luck on the 21st.

Shelley said...

I'm so sorry that is was such a crummy day. I hope that the one on the 21st goes well. Derek will be doing it that day too! Good luck!!!!

stacey said...

that sucks! especially after all that training. you two are inspiring! can't wait to see you!